IB Geography
Module as described in IB syllabus: Time–space convergence and the reduction in the friction of distance: Explain how a reduction in the friction of distance results in time–space convergence. Examine the relative changes in the speed and capacity of two types of transport (air, ocean, road, rail, pipeline) responsible for the flow of goods, materials and people.
Extension and density of networks: Examine the changes in a transport, internet or telecommunications network in terms of the extension of links and nodes and the intensity of use at a national or global scale. Describe the role of information and communications technology (ICT) in civil society and the transmission and flow of images, ideas, information and finance. Examine the contrasting rates, levels and patterns of adoption of an element of ICT in two countries.
Globalization Reports
Landlines & Cables
How containerization shaped the modern world...
CellPhones and globilization.
Mobile Subscription
Interesting Articles
This article takes a look at the digital and social world in 2015
The Digital Age
The railroads
Shipping & Containerization
This article observes the Digital Access Index
This article discusses the use of shipping for all kinds of goods
A simmulation of ocean traffic of containers and ships
This video is very interesting due to all the images and diagrams, which give a better understanding of the imporance of containerization in globalization. I understand better that it is a fast and easier way to transport all sorts of goods and gives people the opportunity to acess products and informtion from all over the world
This video is very interesting due to the serious analaysis in depth of the influence of cellphones. I understand better the importance of cellphones, because they inhance communication and the flow of communication. It came from a personal perspective, which is what was so great about it. The video also discusses our dependence on techonology in this day and age, so it looks at both pros and cons.