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Atmosphere  and change 

Module as Described in the IB Syllabus: Describe the functioning of the atmospheric system in terms of the energy balance between solar and longwave radiation. Explain the changes in this balance due to external forcings (changes in solar radiation, changes in the albedo of the atmosphere and changes in the longwave radiation returned to space). Discuss the causes and environmental consequences of global climate change.

Atmosphere Terminology 

Video Critique: Crash Course 

Please click on the icon to view the important terminology for this unit 

The Impact of Climate Change... 

Climate change imacts a variety of different factors earth, including ecoystems, health and many others. Click on the different InfoPics to view detailed data & information.

By: Alyaa & Wulan

On Health...

On Food & Forest... 

On Coastal Areas...

On Industry & Infrastructure...

By: Jason & Stanley

On Freshwater...

On Ecosytems... 

By: Clare & Tisca 

By: Molly & Shevanti 

By: Nathaniel & Soumyadeep  

By: Myself 

Climate change   solutions  

The solutions to climate change in the modern day involve The Kyoto Protocol of 1997, C0P21, the international United Nations Climate Change Conference of 2015. There is also Geo-engineering, which utilizes technology to solve climate change problems and lastly how we as individuals can contribute positively to climate change. 

The Global Warming Crash Course was a great introduction to climate change and this unit in particular because it began by 

1. Breaking down how The Greenhouse Gas Effect works with regards to long wave and short wave radiation. 

2. It discuseed the Global Energy Balance and it succesfully introduced me to the concept and the idea of where exactly the world is supposed to be, and where we are right now. 

The idea that altering the balance was also introduced and explained.

3. Even if it was a long video, it does a phenomenal job of explaining very important concepts that are linked to Atmosphere and Change.

ARTICLE: North Pole Temperatures Rising

VIDEO: The Albedo effect explained 

 The Ablbedo Effect video was a very simplied explanation of the Albedo Effect, and I felt I really understood what the video was explaining. The daisy model also resonated well with the primary knowledge that white reflect more and black absorobs more. I thought that such a model using simple colors would be easy for me to remember and translate when asked to explain the Albedo Effect. 


"The more reflective the surface of the earth, the higher its albedo"- That is my biggest takeway from the video, as it is the simplest way to explain the effect. 

The article talks about a storm system that carried unusually warm air into the Arctic, raising temperatures near the North Pole in the last two days to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit above average. This has a detremenital effect on the artic, which has been warming. Warming  as it can lead to the the melting of ice caps and ice in general, which will affect the sea levels. 


My biggest takway from the video was that these warming airs and temperatures are all a result of climate change. This event was an interesting and important one as it illustrated the new phenomenon happening in the world as a result of climate change.  

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