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Activity 1 : Migration Terms 

Migration is the movement of people involving a change of residence. The first activity involved defining the key terms in this unit, to better understand how migration works. Migration is currently a topic of interest at the moment, as the picture to the left depicts African migrants in boats bound for Europe. 

Please click on the image to the left to view the key terms of this unit defined, along with some examples and statistics 

Activity 2: The Pro's & Con's of Migration

The purpose of this activity was to understand the different kinds of migration that are known in our society and to further understand the different advantages and disadvantes on miration. There are two places that face an impact when migration occurs, and that is the destination, which is known as the "Host Country" and the "Country of Origin", where the migrants are comung from. Geting a better understanding of this will help greatly with the understanding of the topic as a whole. The slide I was responsible for with a partner was the "Cons of Migration on Country of Origin" and that is the image to the lef t.We focused on the disadvantage to the countries economy and population structure.

Please click on the image image to the right to view the entire presentation on the Pro's & Cons of Migration. 

Activity 3: Video Critique 

Kenyan Migration
info pic final
Forced Migration Soham
Angelicus Malunga InfoPic on Emigration

Activity 3: Kenyan Migration Patterns 

We looked at the Kenyan Migration Report and each of us in the class analyzed different aspects of it, and created different infographics, so that we could all get an understanding of different elements of migration. I looked at emigration for study, and created my infographic based on the few statistics in the report. I have included my infopic and 4 others that I feel are going to be very helpful. One of these includes many statistics and dates that I can refer back to in tme, and the other inlcudes well organized and clear information on Kenyan Migration Polices. Another includes statistics on Remittances in Kenya, and the last one looks and migration trends in the country. These will be good revision tools for me in the future.

Activity 4 - Article Critique 


Drain or Gain?

I selected the article "Drain or Gain" because it offered me a different side of the story to what I know and am used to. The article looks at the benefits of brain drain for poor countries, noting that when brain drain occurs, there are usually remittances which are beneficial to the country of origin. Other gains from brain drain, are that the migrants might have been unemployed in their own countries, and would have been burdens instead. Furthermore, I learned that migrants can also contribute greatly to their countries, just by the workforces or fields they are in, they can assist their countries companies and so forth. I think the article was pretty eyeopening for me,  as I had always considered brain drain to be a negative. I enjoyed reading the article, and I believe it will be a good study tool for me when I look over this unit. 


In 2010, workers from

developing countries 

remitted $325 Billion


This sub-unit is dedicated to migration, which is defined as "the movement of people that results in a change in residence" We will be looking at the relevant terms that are related to migration, the causes of migration, and also looking at the positive and negative aspects of migration with regards to how different envrionments are affected, such as the place of origin and the destination. The purpose of this unit helps us to continue to understand populations.


The video to the right discusses the reasons why people migrate. I know these are 'push' and 'pull' factors, which are reasons in a person's envrionemnt that push them to move, and positive factors in the new destination that attract a person to move like employment and good education. The video had a powerful narrator who mentioned a number of important facts which I will always remeber, such as '3% of the global population live outside their country of origin'. 

The video will be a great revision tool for me, and I learned a lot of new things about migration push and pull facors, as well getting a better understanding of what I already knew.

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